Martes, Setyembre 27, 2011


Here is a life lesson : You don't have to be perfect to succeed in life, just have a burning desire to succeed and nothing can stop you from achieving your goal !! 


She is a Filipina!

Never look down on anybody, unless you're helping them up.

"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil-

- it has no point."



This dog was born on Christmas Eve in the year 2002.
He was born with 2 legs -
He of course could not walk when he was born.
Even his mother did not want him.

His first owner also did not think that he could survive and  
he was thinking of 'putting him to sleep'.
But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and
wanted to take care of him.
She became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself
She named him 'Faith'.

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement.
Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward
for him for standing up and jumping around.
Even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk.
Amazingly, after only 6 months, like a miracle,
Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and to jump to move forward.
After further training in the snow, he could now walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now.
No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him.
He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and
has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows.
There is now a book entitled 'With a Little Faith' being published about him.
He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies.
His present owner Jude Stringfellew has given up her teaching  
post and plans to take him around the world
to preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul.
In life there are always undesirable things, so in order to feel better
you just need to look at life from another direction.
I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone
and that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day.
Faith is the continual demonstration of the strength and wonder of life



Magdagdag ng caption

When miles come in numbers
it may seem a dream
of friendships that blossomed
that now seem supreme.

For two found a moment
as echoes they heard
that are now as miles
with just written word.

The friendships of theirs
came deep from within
as they followed their hearts
then time and agin.

The miles came quickly,
but yet they seemed slow,
for when they were together
they just didn't know.

The friendships still strive on
as miles come conclude
with letter after letter
as a friendship prelude.

For now still the friendships
of them each today
are holding fast together
in a lovingly way.

Love comes in packages
that miles can't destroy,
as they stay as true friends
as a girl and a boy.

So miles cannot dissipate
what's truly alive,
because it's the memories
that keep them alive.

© By Bill Pearce

Lunes, Setyembre 26, 2011


Each Life Affects Another

We may not always realize 

That every thing we do,

Affects not only our lives 

But touches others, too!

For a little bit of thoughtfulness 

That shows someone you care,

Creates a ray of sunshine 

For both of you to share.

Yes, every time you offer 
Someone a helping hand ...
Every time you show a friend 
You care and understand ...

Every time you have 
A kind and gentle word to give ...
You help someone find beauty 
In this precious life we live.

For happiness brings happiness 
And loving ways bring love; 
And Giving is the treasure 
That contentment is made of.

...Amanda Bradley

Biyernes, Setyembre 23, 2011


Why Women Cry

A little boy asked his mother,

 "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman,"

 she told him. "I don't understand," he said. His

 Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never

 will." "All women cry for no reason," was all his dad

could say. The little boy grew up and became a man,

still wondering why women cry. Finally he put in a

 call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked,

"God, why do women cry so easily?" God said:

"When I made the woman she had to be special.

 I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the

 of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.

 I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth

and the rejection that many times comes from her

 children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to

 keep going when everyone else gives up, and take

 care of her family through sickness and fatigue

without complaining. I gave her the sensitivity to

love her children under any and all circumstances,

even when her child has hurt her very badly. I gave

 her strength to carry her husband through his faults

 and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.

 I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband

 never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her

strengths and her resolve to stand beside him

unfalteringly. And finally, I gave her a tear to shed.

 This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is

needed." "You see my son," said God, "the beauty of

a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure

that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes,

because that is the doorway to her heart - the place

 where love resides." Please read this and inform the

beautiful women you know today. You will boost

another woman's self-esteem! Inform it to every

 man, so he can understand!


Sabado, Setyembre 17, 2011



LORD JESUS, our Savior:
You became what we are,
So that we can become what You are.

In our pain & suffering, You are the Great Physician;
In our confusion & darkness, You are the Light;
When we wander & get lost, You are the Way;
In this world of corruption & lies, You are the Truth;
When we are dead in sin, You are Life;
In our spiritual hunger, You are the Bread of Life;
In our thirst for God, You are the Water of Life;
In our brokenness & sorrow, You are the Balm of Gilead;

In You LORD JESUS, heaven & earth come together.
So that You can create a heaven on earth for us.
You fulfill our every spiritual desire.
We worship You as our Incarnate God,
And praise Your Name for Eternity. Amen

~author: Solly Ozrovech ~


I have PROMISED to meet all your needs
according to My glorious riches.
Your deepest, most constant need,
is for My PEACE.
I have planted PEACE in the garden of
your heart, where I live;
but there are weeds growing there too:
pride, worry, selfishness, unbelief.

I am the Gardener, and I am working
to rid your heart of those weeds.
I do My work in various ways.
When you sit quietly with Me,
I shine the Light of My Presence
directly into your heart.
In this heavenly Light,
PEACE grows abundantly & weeds shrivel up.

I also send trials into your life.
When you trust Me in the midst of trouble,
PEACE flourishes & weeds die away.
Thank Me for troublesome situations;
the PEACE they can produce,
far outweighs the trials you endure.

~Author: Sarah Young~


♥♥¸.•*¨`*•..¸♥♥¸.•*¨`*•..¸ ♥♥

Let this divine assurance trickle through your mind
And into your heart and soul.

Whenever you start to feel fearful or anxious,
repeat this unconditional promise:


Most of mankind's misery stems from feeling unloved.
In the midst of adverse circumstances,
people tend to feel that love has been withdrawn
and they have been forsaken.
This feeling of abandonment is often worse
than the adversity itself.

Be assured that I never abandon
any of My children, not even temporarily.
I will never leave you or forsake you!
My Presence watches over you continually.
I have engraved you on the palms of My hands.

~Author: Sarah Young~
♥♥¸.•*¨`*•..¸♥♥¸.•*¨`*•..¸ ♥♥


Ms. Charmaine Botha